Quality Inn & Suites Bellville

Location:1000 Comfort Plaza Dr, Bellville, OH 44813, USA

Upcoming events

  • 2025-05-14 6:00 PM - 2025-05-14 7:00 PM

    Membership Orientations start one and a half hours before the Area Meeting. Members who have paid their $50 initiation fee are eligible for a $25 refund by attending the Orientation. Those who wish to attend an Orientation MUST register for it by calling Local 1059 (614.237.7671).

    Any member who has not already attended a Membership Orientation is welcome to register and attend an upcoming Membership Orientation.

  • 2025-09-10 6:00 PM - 2025-09-10 7:00 PM

    Membership Orientations start one and a half hours before the Area Meeting. Members who have paid their $50 initiation fee are eligible for a $25 refund by attending the Orientation. Those who wish to attend an Orientation MUST register for it by calling Local 1059 (614.237.7671).

    Any member who has not already attended a Membership Orientation is welcome to register and attend an upcoming Membership Orientation.